The Truth About Adult Braces

BracesMany adults can now use adult braces to achieve straight and beautiful teeth. This has led to a revolution in the way people view teeth straightening; especially when it comes to patients who are no longer in their teens. In the past, people would avoid getting their teeth straightened out of fear for a long orthodontic process. Today, adults are getting their teeth straightened in record numbers. Technological advances in adult braces help to facilitate this ability.

Adults do not have to live with the teeth that they were given, simply because they are too old for a change. There is no such thing as "too old," when it comes to straightening teeth using adult braces. Many of the patients who come to visit us do have some concerns, which often stem from common misconceptions on the internet and other places. These concerns from false stigmas about adult braces can lead to adults avoiding the treatment they need. If you are an adult who has malocclusion, adult braces can straighten your teeth.

No Age Limit

One of the common misconceptions is that there is an age limit to the use of adult braces. This is simply not the case. The only thing that we are required to do is to provide you with a consultation which allows us to assess whether or not your teeth can be adequately straightened using adult braces. If your teeth are in relatively good health, you have good health, and there are no underlying conditions that may prevent us from being able to provide you with straight teeth, adult braces can help to cure your malocclusion.

For adults interested in adult braces, it is best to speak with one of our team's professionals for assurance. Our team can go through the process and help ensure that braces are one of the more simple and non-complicated orthodontic devices. Adult braces simply use pressure to move teeth from one position to the other, creating better alignment. We use braces on patients of all ages, as long as they have healthy teeth.

They Are Affordable 

Another common misconception when it comes to adult braces is that they cost significantly more than getting braces for a teenager or adolescent. Again this is simply not the case. Adult braces use advances in medical technology which allows us to provide you with the option to straighten your teeth at no matter what age you happen to be. The technology is the same, the dentist is the same, and everything we do for an adult tooth is the same as we would do with an adolescent or child.

It is true that sometimes adults have more severe cases of malocclusion, or it is harder to move the teeth back into the proper alignment because of the age of the patient. However, these are normal factors and should be discussed at length when you were considering getting your teeth straightened with adult braces. We can go over them when you visit our Troy dentist office.

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